SIMPLY VINTAGE lilac bouquet
Why do we love this bouquet? We love this bouquet for its soft tones and is one of our most popular online bouquets.
A delicate and fragrant mix of white Roses and Freesias with lilac Lisianthus and Trachelium, coupled with lavender Statis, green Spray Chrysanthemums and Carnations.
Simply vintage lilac bouquet
Hand tied in water
Your fab flowers will be hand-arranged by our florists into a hand-tied bouquet. This bouquet contains lissianthus and roses which are a classic favourite and this would make the perfect gift to let someone know you are thinking of them.
Handtied bouquets in water are fantastic way of displaying fresh flowers. Having a bouquet in water is more popular than ever and tend to be left in their box.
This also means they look their very best on the day they arrive and continue to delight for days after.
Flowers delivered in a transporter box and in water means the recipient does not need to put the bouquet in a vase, they can just put them down and enjoy.
Take a look at our subscription options to have flowers delivered to your home weekly.
Subscription deliveries available
New subscription choices added weekly. Ongoing flower subscriptions, delivered weekly, fortnightly or monthly.
Sending flowers in Liverpool
The Simply Vintage range from our Aigburth florist is the perfect choice for any special occasion. With beautiful flowers in lilacs and cream, it's sure to bring a smile to anyone's face. Whether it's for a new home, or a birthday, anniversary, or any other special occasion, our Simply Vintage gift box is sure to make it extra special. With classic and sophisticated arrangements, you can't go wrong. Let us help make your special occasion even more special with our Simply Vintage bouquet.