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Adorable summers day bouquet


PriceFrom £39.99
Experience the beauty of a summer's day with our ADORABLE SUMMERS DAY BOUQUET, a pretty pink ensemble perfect for any occasion. Handcrafted by our expert florists at Passion for Flowers, this bouquet exudes charm with its delicate pink tones, bringing a touch of elegance to your home. Our bespoke florist service ensures each arrangement is tailored to your needs and delivered with care in Aigburth, Liverpool. Celebrate the season with this stunning floral display, and let us help you make every day a little more special.
  • Hand tied

    Your fab flowers will be hand-arranged by our florists into a hand-tied bouquet. This bouquet containsgerbera and roses which are a classic favourite and this would make the perfect gift to let someone know you are thinking of them.


    Handtied bouquets in water are fantastic way of displaying fresh flowers. Having a bouquet in water is more popular than ever and tend to be left in their box. 

    This also means they look their very best on the day they arrive and continue to delight for days after.

    Flowers delivered in a transporter box and in water means the recipient does not need to put the bouquet in a vase, they can just put them down and enjoy.

    Take a look at our subscription options to have flowers delivered to your home weekly.

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